The Adrian Paul Moment

By Lyria Wollich
Adrian had a wonderful smile on his face and looked even
younger than he did at G-5 - if that's possible. He signed my Croatian
friend Elizabeth's book and then I walked up to the table.
Now mind you, I was running on about 4 hours of sleep a
night and due to the HEAVY smog in LA, my voice was already going and had
been reduced to a scratchy baritone. Adrian looked up for a moment and
said "Hi", and then patiently rotated my photo of him which I
had placed BACKWARDS on to the table. I asked him how he was and he said
"good, and how about yourself?" I grinned and said "tired,
to be quite honest." and he smiled back.
Since somewhere during the trip to see him I had lost the
sticky note that had my name on it, poor Adrian had to lean to read my
badge which read Lyria - Highlander Fan Central. As he read my name out
loud, I saw a puzzled expression cross his face - hmm, where have I heard
that name before? He leaned again and read the Highlander Fan Central
part. I jumped in and explained "We did an interview with you last
year, a year to the day actually. You called my house..." That's when
Adrian's face got a wry look and big smile broke out as the name and the
face connected, "I guess I did, didn't I?" He stated
impishly as he signed the picture and I said, How've you been?
"Good." he replied.
"I guess we'll have to look you up again very
soon." I said, and he replied "Yes! for Tracker." and he
reached out to shake my hand with just this to die for smile. Now trust me
in this, that you always want to have your best foot forward in these
situations and I obviously was not doing so well in that regard, but
luckily Adrian is a fantastic guy and never once made me feel like the
dunce that I was that morning. Lack of sleep will do that to you:)
Luckily I was able to put my best foot forward at the Gala and apologized
for being brain dead that morning. He just smiled with that "that's
ok" grin of his and I felt much better. Did I say that he was a
really nice guy???
To find out more about Adrian, go to his interview,
his bio or check out the website for his
new show "Tracker." which
premieres this October (2001). Apart from being just and Actor, Director, Dancer... the
list goes on, Adrian is a very passionate and dedicated man - which shows
primarily through his efforts on behalf of the Peace
Fund and the School Makes a Difference
Program. Helping others is something he enjoys and does so
well. Please remember to donate something to the Fund - as Adrian told me
"every little bit helps." To find out more about the Adrian Paul
and the Peace Fund please visit Adrian
Paul's Celebrity Boulevard Web Site